Call for applications
Artists living or working in the Saint-Michel district
TOHU wishes to create a database of artists, from all disciplines, native to, residing in or actively working in the Saint-Michel district or more broadly in the Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough. Applications received may be considered for various activities of TOHU’s cultural program, such as temporary exhibitions, mediation workshops, one-time performances, etc.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 20th, 2021
We will give special consideration to the following:
Project related to TOHU’s mission: Circus – Earth- Human.
Project related to different cultural expressions, particularly those of indigenous cultures as well as those present in the Saint-Michel district (for example: Maghreb/Africa, Caribbean/Latin America, South East Asia)
Type of artistic discipline Expertise in the artistic field
Artist from a culturally diverse background
All applications will be considered.
Please click here to submit your application.
Appel de candidatures
Artistes résidant ou œuvrant dans le quartier Saint-Michel
La TOHU souhaite constituer une banque d’artistes, toutes disciplines confondues, originaires, résidant ou œuvrant activement dans le quartier Saint-Michel ou plus largement dans l’arrondissement Villeray– Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension. Les candidatures reçues pourront être considérées pour diverses activités de la programmation culturelle de la TOHU, comme des expositions temporaires, des ateliers de médiation, des performances ponctuelles, etc.
Nous accorderons une attention particulière aux éléments suivants :
Projet en lien avec la mission de la TOHU : Cirque – Terre – Humain.
Projet en lien avec les différentes expressions culturelles, notamment celles des cultures autochtones ainsi que celles présentes dans le quartier Saint Michel (par exemple : Maghreb/Afrique, Caraïbes/Amérique latine, Asie du Sud Est)
Type de discipline.s artistique.s Expérience dans le milieu artistique Artiste issue de la diversité culturelle
Toutes les candidatures seront considérées.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour soumettre votre candidature.
Call for applications
Artists living or working in the Saint-Michel district
TOHU wishes to create a database of artists, from all disciplines, native to, residing in or actively working in the Saint-Michel district or more broadly in the Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough. Applications received may be considered for various activities of TOHU’s cultural program, such as temporary exhibitions, mediation workshops, one-time performances, etc.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 20th, 2021
We will give special consideration to the following:
Project related to TOHU’s mission: Circus – Earth- Human.
Project related to different cultural expressions, particularly those of indigenous cultures as well as those present in the Saint-Michel district (for example: Maghreb/Africa, Caribbean/Latin America, South East Asia)
Type of artistic discipline Expertise in the artistic field
Artist from a culturally diverse background
All applications will be considered.
Please click here to submit your application.